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1 flat two-pocket folder (no binders please)

1 lunch box

1 separate snack box

1 small (14 oz. or less) spill-proof water bottle

1 box of tissues

1 set of headphones that fit your child

  • When purchasing headphones, please make sure to choose the type that ​has a straight plug

1 backpack (without wheels) large enough to hold the items mentioned above

  • A flat two-pocket folder, a lunch box, a snack box, a small water bottle, ​headphones, and at times an iPad, sneakers, and winter gear

1 recent fun 4 X 6 picture of your child for their locker magnet

*Additional shared classroom wishes (if you can help):

Last names A-O: 1 can of Clorox or Lysol wipes

Last names P-Z: 1 box of gallon Zip-Loc bags

We will make sure that every student has the supplies that they need to have a successful school year. If purchasing these items presents a challenge for your family, please just let me or one of our school counselors ( or know.

I look forward to meeting all of you!

Thank you for your support!


Mrs. Cornell

Buildable Storybook Classroom Student Backpack
Lunch Box
Bold Cartoon Water Bottle
Tissue Paper Box
polaroid photo frame
Textured Organic Family Playing Tickles
headphone gradient icon

Cornell Kindergarten Supply List 2024-2025

Please label the following school supplies with your child’s name.